We are seeking images of the April 8 solar eclipse to publish! Click here to submit yours now!
Click to submit your images of the April 8 solar eclipse!

博客 - 探索科学

  • Image Credit: NASA Total Eclipse of the Sun
    三月 20, 2024

    速览 - 2024 年 4 月 8 日的北美日全食

      2024 年北美大日食将是人类历史上观看次数最多的日食。 会有巨大的媒体关注; 4月8日天气th 预计总体上是公平的(尽管云可能出现在任何地方);日食路径上和附近的城市人口众多;由于美国广泛的高速公路系统,很容易观察到日全食;美国大陆的每个人都至少会看到日偏食。 在所有情况下,必须在太阳的部分阶段观察安全的太阳观测。 日食路径跨越 15 个州 美国一些人口最稠密的地区。这些州包括德克萨斯州;俄克拉荷马州;阿肯色州;密苏里州;田纳西州;肯塔基州;伊利诺伊州;印第安纳州;俄亥俄州;密歇根州;宾夕法尼亚州;纽约;佛蒙特;新罕布什尔;缅因州。 想在同一个地方看到两个日食吗? 然后加入我们,参加 2023 年和 2024 年在历史悠久的圣安东尼奥以西美丽的德克萨斯州丘陵地区的日食十字路口探险。 *观看此页面以获取更多注册信息。  美国的下一次日全食要再过 20 年才会发生 2044 年 8 月 23 日。 全食持续时间比2017年日全食长 由于月球的偏心轨道将在日食路径进入德克萨斯州时遮挡太阳超过 4 分钟。 卡洛斯·埃尔南德斯(Carlos Hernandez)的 2017 年日全食 你想走在全然的道路上。 看到覆盖率为 99% 的日食并不能开始描述 100%...

  • Unveiling the Cosmos: Citizen Science with UNISTELLAR
    一月 17, 2024

    Unveiling the Cosmos: Citizen Science with UNISTELLAR

    "Unveiling the Cosmos: Citizen Science with UNISTELLAR and Explore Scientific" explores the transformative power of collaborative research in the field of Citizen Science. This collective pursuit sees everyday individuals with a curiosity for science joining forces with professional scientists to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

  • AstroImaging Today: Unveiling HFG1 with Douglas Struble
    十二月 5, 2023

    AstroImaging Today: Unveiling HFG1 with Douglas Struble

    AstroImaging enthusiast Douglas Struble showcases his groundbreaking work, unveiling the planetary nebula HFG1 (PK 136+05) through the lens of his Explore Scientific ED152 Air-Spaced Triplet APO Refractor. Positioned in the Giraffe constellation, HFG1's intricate and symmetrical structures, formed by the expelled outer layers of a dying star, come to life. Struble's commitment to astrophotography and technological advancements reshapes our understanding of space, providing a captivating glimpse into the mysteries of the universe. The Explore Alliance Ambassador's detailed exploration of HFG1, documented on Astrobin.com, highlights the nebula's ancient nature and its significant diameter, exceeding one light year. Observers in the Northern Hemisphere are privileged to witness this awe-inspiring celestial phenomenon, thanks to Struble's advanced equipment and techniques.